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Studio Diary- Importance of artist research

Hi welcome back to my blog!

It has been a troubling week trying to find interesting compositions, and the paintings I created weren't coming out as well as I imagined they would. Therefore my heart was screaming out for inspiration, artist research session was needed!

When I research I am obviously looking at the piece as a whole but looking in depth at the artist colour choices, mark making and composition. Because I find that more worthwhile and interesting.

Stephane Villafane, '08.05.20', Acrylic on canvas

This artist is an inspiration to aid me when creating abstract elements in my work. I love how he draws me into the piece using the lovely pop of a yellow/white colour on top of the dark section. It makes me feel im looking outside at a cold blustery day feeling thankful that there is a barrier to keep the bitter coldness out ,I believe a good piece of art makes you think in that way get you to go deeper into every mark and allows you to be in the composition and lose yourself for a second! Villafanes really had that effect on me.

Joan Eardley, 'Summer Fields', oil and grasses on hardboard, about 1961

I looked into Eardley painting so much, I felt as if time stopped when I came across 'Summer fields' painting. It's quite a strange composition, in the foreground we are bombarded by a bush of some kind that makes me feel quite suffocated when focusing on the area. however beyond that is a vast area of golden tones which allows me to breath and its like a breath of fresh air, I love when a painting makes me feel like that!

Joan Eardley in an interview spoke on her inspirations and what's most important to her to convey in her pieces which I also believe are the most important fundamentals:

"You cant stop observing I mean your looking all the time and things are happening, and you're recording them in your mind … I feel its important to know the people to know the buildings in the same way with landscape the more I know the place or the more i know a particular spot the more i find to paint in that particular spot" Joan Eardley 'A Sense of Place'

A great video to look into Joan Eardleys work to understand why she painted which is so interesting and exciting for me to see!

I also believe in the importance of knowing the place you are painting there must be a reason why you want to paint that place if it is a connection like it being you're home or the area contains memories of visiting or as simple as you pass here everyday and always wanted to paint it. After listing to Joan Eardleys I am so inspired therefore as my tutor says time to press on! until next time, Happy painting everyone! Cerys

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