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  • ceh293

Studio diary- Application

Updated: Feb 4, 2021

Welsh landscape (details), acrylic on board, approx 29.7 x 21 cm

Hi and welcome back to my blog! this post is a look into application ans

Above is a close up image of my recent painting from my project that has now mutated in observations of light on roads, and also looking into the process of choosing and researching compositions by trying various ways to applicate the paint. I feel as if every piece I find out something new in my application process, and that is so exciting for an artist professional or not, it like a mini breakthrough in each painting.

When starting to create a piece I will always have a reference, if that's a photograph or sketch (however if it has come from a photograph I will sketch out the image first because I personally don't enjoy working straight from a photograph it holds back a painting, allowing yourself to sketch first and think of it as a plan and then having the photograph there to refer back to is the best way to work, or at least it is for me) then I simply use a ground I feel will bring that extra element to my painting, I usually pick a red ground because the scenes I create are quite cold, and that extra warmth helps.

At the start my work had a woolly effect, something everybody could achieve therefore I felt they had nothing special about them and half way through I needed to change and start to experiment with different compositions.

A big part of starting to experiment was changing my tools, before I purely just used brushes to canvas/board, as I explained in another blog post. i started by trying to use grouting blades to aid my work for it to become much sharper, this is how I am able to execute these straight lines in my roads.

I would like go into more detail on the image I have provided above. When creating these types of paintings I like to play around with various lines, experimenting with horizontal and verticals, and how they can correspond together. Especially in this image I feel the lines just work, I made the mistake of lines coming from the road (arrows pointed to areas in image below) however I feel it was a happy accident! it made it look like water hitting or leaving the road.

My work has got this raw look now, because I now really think of how I applicate the paint on board and always come with vague plan and the rest I will figure out in the process because where is the fun if there's a solid plan! Happy painting! until next time, Cerys

Details-Welsh landscape, acrylic on board, approx 29.7 x 21 cm

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